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20May2024 - 11:20 54 PM
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Japan Anime

Japanese Anime :机动战士G DVD Japanese Anime : Mobile Fighter G Gundam DVD - 机动战士G
Code : 9876543275226
Price : MYR169.00 SGD80.27 USD65.91 RMB456.30 MYR135.20 / SGD64.22 / USD52.73 / RMB365.04
Weight :900 g
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :24
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

In the Year FC 60, much of mankind inhabits space colonies which orbit the Earth. Dominance over the colonies is decided once every four years by a large tournament in which each nation sends a single representative to fight the others with a giant robot called a Gundam. Domon Kashuu is selected to represent Neo-Japan in one of these tournaments, but he fights less to ensure his nation's victory than to find his brother, who has been blamed for the deaths of Domon's parents and the disappearance of a very dangerous weapon, the Dark Gundam or Devil Gundam. Sometime in the future, much of mankind inhabits space colonies which orbit the Earth. Dominance over the colonies is decided once every four years by a large tournament in which each nation sends a single representative to fight the others with a giant robot called a Gundam. Domon Kashuu is selected to represent Neo-Japan in one of these tournaments, but he fights less to ensure his nation's victory than to find his brother, who has been blamed for the deaths of Domon's parents and the disappearance of a very dangerous weapon, the Dark Gundam or Devil Gundam 自从地球上誕生了名叫人類的生物,他們就不停地為了將自己的生存條件變得更好而不斷進化和進步。但是,人口的爆炸性增長和對資源的過度開採,終於使地球的環境日益惡化,進而慢慢走向荒廢。   因此,人類開始尋求向外太空移民並定居的可能性,並終於在條件成熟時建起了形如宇宙浮游大陸的衛星城市,而且將各國的主要經濟、文化及軍事等部門全部轉移到衛星上面。這樣,每個國家都同時擁有外太空與地面的兩塊領土,有權有勢的達官貴人也就當然地住在太空,而地面上與太空中的住民在政策上受到差別對待的狀況,不論當權者再怎麼掩飾也已是顯而易見的了。   隨著向外太空移民的體制確立,人類的紀元也進入了名叫未來世紀(簡稱F.C)的新時代。無論如何,新紀元的到來給人們帶來了無限的希望,曾威� {著眾多人類生命的世界大戰,在這個時代中,已將不會再度出現。 這一變動源于進入未來世紀時各國間達成的戰爭廢止協議。該協議決定,掌握地球領導權的國聯盟主應當由持有最強技術力和最尖端科研成就的國家來擔當,而這一象征國家榮譽與霸權的盟主之位每四年決定一次,上屆的冠軍國也許將會連任、也許會被更強的國家超越及取代。代替戰爭決定國際霸權的比賽,便是各國技術結晶的高達──機動斗士(簡稱MF)間所進行的「高達格鬥大會」。   高達格鬥是將機體性能與機師武技合為一體進行的比拼,所以與集高精科技于一身的高達一樣,各國的代表選手們也都是體能和武技超乎常人的優秀格鬥家。每隔四年,便會有這樣一群了不起的斗士們帶著各自的MF,如隕星般降落到地球上,並在之後的十一個月間以地球為場地互相挑戰、打殺。比賽中只要高達的頭部不被破壞,便可以保有參賽資格戰鬥下去,直到進入第十二個月的決賽。就這樣一屆一屆大會召開又閉幕,世界的霸主也換了一個又一個,轉眼之間,時光已是 F.C.60年,第13屆高達格鬥大會又要開始了……

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