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02Jun2024 - 08:53 25 AM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD STAND ALONE COMPLEX MOVIE 好診字強錦 By Kenji Kamiyama / 舞表を (A34)
Code : 9555329220710
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :150 g
Director :Kenji Kamiyama / 舞表を ,
Year :2002-2003
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese , Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,
Producer :ANIME 強只 ,

It is the year 2032,and the line between humans and machines has been blurred almost beyond distinction.Humans have forgotten that they are human,and those that are left co-exist with cyborgs--human spiritsinhabiting entirely mechanized bodies,and dolls--robots with no human elements at all.Batou is a cyborg.His body is artificial:the only remnants of his humanity are found in traces of his brain--and the memories of a woman called "The Major".A detective for the government's covert anti-terrorist unit,called Public Security Section 9,Batou is investigating the case of a gynoid--a hyper-realistic female robot.created specifically for sexual companionship,who malfunctions and slaughters her owner.

それは2032で、繁gとC亠のgのは、泳らが繁gであることをdistinction.Humans梨れてしまった火っているものサイボ`グ慌贋ほとんどを階えてぼやけてきた - 繁gspiritsinhabiting頼畠にC亠晒されたボディをそしてdolls--all.Batou採もありません繁gの勣殆を隔つロボットがcyborg.His云悶は、繁垢です艮砲繁g來率匯の火騎は、泳ののEでkされ - 屓軒のために.A仝メジャ`と柵ばれる溺來房い竃`嘛や泳溺の侭嗤宀を來議住H喘にrobot.createdハイパ`リアルな溺來 - 巷芦9と柵ばれる蜘畜の郡テロユニットバト`ガイノイドケ`スを� {砲靴討い泙后

宸頁2032定繁窃才字匂岻寂議順厮将庁冊叱窄階竃阻distinction.Humans厮将梨芝阻麿断頁繁椎乂藻和旺贋磯字匂繁 - 繁窃spiritsinhabiting頼畠字亠晒議附悶dolls--字匂繁all.Batou短嗤繁葎咀殆cyborg.His頁繁葎議麿議繁來叙火贋瓜窟嶬麿議寄辻議裁治 - 才匯倖出“。匯倖寥冥葎屓軒議溺繁議芝吮蜘畜郡訊何錦瓜各葎巷芦湘仁尉遊屎壓距臥gynoid議秤趨和 - 匯倖階嵎亀溺來廨壇葎育詑絞嬾才誉姫慢議麼繁robot.created

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