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21May2024 - 03:11 26 AM
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Discovery & Documentary

Discovery Channel-Rome:Power And Glory:The Rise 历史人文系列:罗马帝国的崛起 DVD
Code : C00281
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :100 g
Genre :History/ Biography/ Religion ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

In the rise of the Roman Empire, it was not always simple to separate virtue from vice, and hero from villain. Indeed, all too often. that were one and the same, Rome was still an adolescent discovering who it wanted to be, and its dream of greatness was a prelude to a nightmare.It wanted to be, and its dream of greatness was a prelude to a nightmare. It was not for another 100 years that the state would mature and commit to one enduring view of itself. It would be the army, more than any other force that was destined to shape Rome's lasting identity. Through the military, traumas of youth would become the tribulations and ultimately the tragedies of old age. 两千多年前,罗马文明将整个西方世界掌握在他手中。但罗马并非一天建立起来,权利与荣耀掩饰不了罗马帝国兴起的暴力史。在这个过程中,美德与罪过、英雄与恶棍间很难有明显的界限,而更多时候他们是相对的。罗马当时就像青春幻想期的少年,关于未来的伟大梦想只是恶梦的曲奏。至于100年后,帝国才逐渐发展成熟并带给人们不朽的现象,然而这一切注定是由他的军事而非其他力量形成的。早期的外伤终于演变成痛苦的磨难,最后导致帝国暮年的悲剧。本片将着力透视这个强大军事帝国崛起的血腥与残忍史。

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