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21May2024 - 01:59 19 AM
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Japan Anime

JPA-M: Patlabor The Movie 1 & 2 DVD9
Code : 9528200098456
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :150 g
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

The year is 1999. Tokyo is undergoing a huge re-development program: old suburbs are being demolished and man-made islands are being constructed in Tokyo Bay. Dominating the scene is the Ark, a huge man-made island of steel, from where the Babylon project is coordinated, and where labors are manufactured and tested. One day, as dusk approaches, a programmer by the name of Eichi Hoba jumps off the Ark, a smirk on his lips, committing suicide. Some time later there are several incidents where labors that were manufactured by Shinohara Industries malfunction, start operating of their own accord and go on the rampage even after they have been turned off. These include construction and military labors alike. Investigations made by Gotoh and Asuma conclude that the rampaging labors have one thing in common: each were installed with H.O.S - Hyper Operating System, the latest software program to be installed in the labor computers. At first Asuma assumes that a bug is the cause but Gotoh believes that it was deliberately done by Eichi Hoba, the programmer who committed suicide. 廿世纪末,人口不断增长,职位和房屋的需求成为了人们首要的问题,原本的土地已经不足以满足社会的发展。于是日本政府将东京湾对出的海域进行一次大规模的填海造地工程,填平面积总共四十五万平方公尺,把木更津第一人工岛和川崎第二人工岛连接结合,长十五公里的大型防波堤就可以动工。这就不仅代表绕首都圈一周的大环状路完全通车,同时十多个水门亦可利用潮差去排水,最重要就是确保了未来十年东京有四万五千公顷的用地。由于是以「永恒之都巴比伦」作为蓝本建设的国际大都会东京,于是称这计划为「巴比伦计划(Babylon Project)」,称得上是本世纪最大海面工程计划。为了加快工作效率,建造更加庞大的建筑物及应付这庞大的工程,于是发展出专为工业使用的大型机械人,称之为Labor。他们被广泛使用后,除增加了建筑的速度,解决了房屋问题外,亦增加了不少的就业机会,不过与此同时亦衍生出了一个新的问题,就是机械人罪案,这些可能只是醉酒驾驶,又可能只是驾驶者的意气用事,可能是不法份子把Labor改装为犯罪工具。不过这一切一切不仅使周遭的环境破坏,更使社会秩序混乱。

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