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21May2024 - 12:38 49 AM
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Japan Anime

Masked Rider Kiva 仮面骑士-牙 Vol.1-48 End
Code : 9528200061535
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Genre :Robot/ Robotics/ Mecha ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Twenty-two years after the disappearance of his father, Wataru Kurenai (portrayed by Koji Seto[1][2][3]) lives in an infamous "haunted house" where he is destined as Kamen Rider Kiva to fight life-draining monsters belonging to the Fangire Clan, the very race his father fought years ago before his disappearance. Wataru must also deal with a second rider in the series (named Kamen Rider IXA (仮面ライダーイクサ, Kamen Raidā Ikusa?)) who is part of an organization seeking to destroy the Fangire menace, as well as kill Kiva for being a greater threat than the Fangire themselves. The story is split between the actions of Wataru in the present (2008) and his father Otoya in the past (1986), slowly revealing the story behind the Fangire Clan and Kiva. 这是一个围绕着小提琴、有关父与子的故事… 这一次的敌人是以生命能量为食而生存的吸血鬼族中的Fangire(译名未定)。与之战斗的人,便是在继承自父亲的工坊中制作小提琴的红渡。尽管依靠腰带的力量,他变身为假面骑士牙,但是对于自己为何能变身,为何不得不战斗,现在还尚未可知。然而,实际上,与Fangire战斗的并非只有渡一个人。 22年前,渡的父亲——音也已经从那时开始与猖獗的Fangire战斗。 故事一边将渡所在的现在、以及22年前——年轻的音也结婚并生下名为渡的孩子之前——紧密地联系起来,一边发展。 22年前,音也未能铲除的Fangire不断繁衍,并出现在现代的日本。渡化身为假面骑士牙,将其打倒,并以此形态将过去与现在相连。 然而,存在的并不仅仅只是双眼所能看到的形态。在各个时代生存着的人们的命运,将会与怎样的形态相连呢?为什么Fangire的出现,会威胁到人类的存在呢?身在其中的渡和音也所背负的命运又是…? 各种各样的人物,生活在各种各样的时代,故事正在发展。知道这2个时代的人,只有2个…那就是将Fangire Hunter组织化的岛,以及22年前开始经营咖啡店「Coffee Mall Damour」的木户师傅。沉浮于2个时代的人们,掌握着他们命运关键的,是这2个人,还有父亲所留下的小提琴…!?


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