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02Jun2024 - 10:43 27 AM
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Japan Anime

anime DVD Fantastic Children / 奇幻儿童 / ファンタジックチルドレン Fantajikku Chirudoren / Chapter 1 - 26 End by Takashi Nakamura (A11)
Code : 9528200192703
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Director :Takashi Nakamura ,
Year :2004-2005
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

The series opens with the introduction of a group of white-haired children, known as the "Befort Children", named after "Befort" a fictional village in Belgium where their existence was first recorded in 1489. This group of enigmatic children has been spotted at different times and places in Europe for over 500 years. Always with the appearance of 11-year-olds, they behave far more mature than they should be, never grow old, and seem to have supernatural power.

Then the story starts to unfold in 2012 by introducing Helga, an introverted 11 year old orphan who drew pictures of a land with a crescent moon that she believed was her home. Her playmate and only friend in the orphanage, Chitto, wants to help Helga find it. So together they escape from the orphanage and set out on a journey in which they meet Tohma, an energetic boy in his home, Papin Island. There Tohma tries to befriend them but misunderstands Helga and becomes hostile to her. Later he is mesmerized by Helga's bravery in rescuing Chitto from a group of poisonous insects. Tohma, through his desire to help the two runaway orphans, ventures out on a quest that will eventually cross paths with the mission of the Befort Children, who have spent centuries wanderingEurope in search of a person named Tina. As they go further they come to realize a truth far more great and entwined with many other mysterious characters.



15世紀末,距離地球2億光年遠的惑星ギリシア發生了一場悲劇,在擁有被稱作 "最終兵器" 般強大力量的王女ティナ的週遭發生了內亂。 經過許多犧牲,ティナ使用了匯集這個星球上科技的結晶所研發出的 "轉生裝置" 逃往地球。 ティナ平安無事轉生成為了地球人,但是有關前世的記憶卻被埋藏在記憶的深處,經過500年不斷的自然轉生,在西元2001年,ティナ轉生成為孤兒ヘルガ。 然後在ヘルガ11歲時,在一個南方小島和少年トーマ相遇了.... 但是為了尋找轉生後的ヘルガ,從ギリシア來的追兵漸漸逼近,少年トーマ為了保護ヘルガ,和為了取回王女的靈魂而來的7個科學家,以及想得到強大力量的ゲオルカ和他的兒子デュマ展開了對抗...

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