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02Jun2024 - 05:54 06 AM
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Japan Anime

ANIME DVD Tenshi Na Konamaiki / 天使小生意气 Chapter 1 - 50 End by Hiroyuki Nishimori (A103)
Code : 9528200062068
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Director :Masaharu Okuwaki ,
Year :2003
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,
Producer :ANIME 动漫 ,

Megumi-chan is a girl with a secret past. She used to be a boy until she met a person she thought was a magic user. This person gave him/her a magical book from which a genie appears to grant one wish when blood is applied to it. Megumi made the wish to be a man in a man’s body but the genie has a twist: he grants wishes backwards so he turns Megumi-kun aged 9 to Megumi-chan. Years pass and Megumi enters High School where she immediately beats up the school bully who of course falls in love with her. She is looking for that book again to be able to reverse the spell placed upon her.


6年前,9岁的小恶魔男天使惠在一次机缘巧合下替一位巫士解了围,巫士送了他一本魔法书。就在打开书,天使惠对书中小丑许下成为男人中的男人这个愿望后,小丑竟然将他变成女人中的女人了(蛊惑的书?)目睹这一过程并知道真相的只有跟惠一起的好友花华院美木,而在其他人的记忆中惠是男孩子则被抹去。于是,惠就以这样一个让男生们流口水,让女生们妒忌的绝色美女身份过着这个被变身10年的校园生活……不过,“她”的性格仍然是好打架(连身手也是)的男性化。苏我源造,中学里面臭名远播的一名学生,不过自从跟惠见面之后就一直未打架赢过,更要让打败过他的惠来救,真的有够差劲了…… (。而在班上,藤木一郎、安田太助等人则成立了天使惠亲卫队,为了保护公主不惜一切?总之,鲁莽天使里面将会是充满搞笑气氛的校园故事。

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