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21May2024 - 01:19 34 AM
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Japan Anime

Koihime†Musou + Shin Koihime + Otome Tairan + OVA 恋姬†无双 + 真.恋姬†无双~乙女缭乱 三国演义~ + 真.恋姬†无双~乙女大乱 Chapter 1 - 36 End
Code : 9528200062051
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Genre :Girl Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Koihimei Musou 恋姬无双 Chapter 1 - 12 End
After losing a family to bandits during a night raid, Kanu swears she will not let others share the pain she experienced that night. She quickly becomes a well-known and feared by villains bandit hunter. During her journey she comes across others, who wish to join her in her cause. One of them is a girl named Rin Rin, who had similar experience with bandits in the past.

于2007年初发售的人气美少女PC Game「恋姬无双」,是一款故事题材与「一骑当千」类似的恶搞三国历史的作品。游戏中登场的角色就有关羽、张飞等三十多位被美少女的形象化的武将,故事恋姬无双主要讲述她们集结到主角北乡一刀的身边,在乱世争斗、群雄争霸的战场上演绎的一场场波澜壮阔的爱情故事……

Shin Koihime Musou Otome Tairan 真.恋姬无双~乙女缭乱 三国志演义~ Chapter 1 - 12 End
Kashin is afflicted with a disease that will turn her into a cat if an antidote is not found, and Kada is still seeking the Crucial Ways to the Key of Peace, so he entrusts Kanu's group to go seek the ingredients for an antidote. At the same time, Choujou is plotting something between the Kingdoms, and Kashin may have been only the first in a line of dominoes set to fall.

「恋姬 无双」是根据BaseSon社于2007年1月在PC平台推出的幻想冒险游戏「恋姬 无双~心跳☆满是少女的三国演义~」改编的TV动画,因史上的著名三国武在作品中都被设定为美少女登场而引起各方话题。而今年10月她将会以「真?恋姬 无双」之名再度驾临电视荧幕,该作改编自2008年12月推出的PC游戏「真?恋姬 无双~乙女缭乱☆三国志演义~」,并由前作的原班人马携手打造。新作将会以游戏版的新增角色刘备(上图中间)为主角展开故事...

Shin Koihime Musou Otome Tairan 真.恋姬无双~乙女缭乱~ Chapter 1 - 12 End
The same Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel also inspired KOEI’s game franchise of the same name, KOEI’s Dynasty Warriors (Shin Sangoku Muso) spinoffs, and dozens of anime and manga of varying historical accuracy.

在时局动荡的后汉乱世末期――。 暗自积蓄力量,潜藏野心之人――。 企图试炼自身力量之人――。 为了守护重要的东西而打算战斗之人――。 于是,身怀各种想法之人的命运之线被连接了起来……。 等待着结成姐妹之契的“关羽”和“张飞”的 将会是什么呢?

Koihime Musou re-imagines the classic Chinese historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms in action/love comedy form with an all-female cast. The game itself featured upwards of 30 female characters. The male protagonist who filled the role of Liu Bei in the game is absent from this version.

时为汉末……   时代的流淌逐渐泛起波澜。   乱世中,为野心而养精促锐者、   企一展雄图者、   为该守护之物而战斗者……   这样,拥有不同梦想的人被命运的蚕丝牵结。   缔结成姊妹的关羽和张飞。   究竟,有何物在其前行之路上等待着呢?   “吾名为关羽。与吾一起平定此乱世吧!”


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