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20May2024 - 11:20 56 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

King Of Thorn 古城荆棘王
Code : 9528200192918
Price : MYR14.90 SGD7.08 USD5.81 RMB40.23 MYR11.92 / SGD5.66 / USD4.65 / RMB32.18
Weight :200 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Medusa Virus, a sickness that turns it's victims to stone, begins to ravage the people of Earth. In a desperate attempt to save humanity's future, a select group are chosen for the only cure: cryogenic sleep for many years into the future. The groups are chosen and put to sleep, only to wake-up early to a nightmare: freakish creatures are destroying the cryo facility that the chosen survivors have awoken in. Without knowing what these creatures are, why they are being attacked, or even the condition of mankind, the remnants of civilization must band together and fight these monsters in order to survive and escape the Cryogenics facility in an attempt to discover what exactly has happened to the Earth since they entered their exclusive slumber.


世界上正流行这一种感染后在60天之内就会石化,死亡率高达100%的奇病“美杜莎”。为了在未来寻求这种在全世界爆发的不治之症的治疗方法,于是决定将 Cold sleep(冷冻睡眠,简称CS,是指将人体保存在低温状态让人保持沉睡的状态,防止人的身体随着时间老化的一种方法。多见于SF作品之中。)投入实用了。少女霞从众多的人中脱颖而出成为了世界上仅有的160个拥有CS资格的人。他们在苏格兰的古城中制造出来的Cold sleep capsule center(冷冻睡眠胶囊中心,简称CSCC,如字面上的意思进行冷冻睡眠的地方。)中进入了不知道何时才会醒来的长眠。霞想着肯定再也无法与和自己同样感染了“美杜莎”却没有被选上的双胞胎姐姐了,眼泪却不禁的流落了下来……

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