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21May2024 - 12:37 52 AM
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Japan Anime

Gauche The Cellist 大提琴手
Code : 9528200192666
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Animedia Entertainment ,

Goshu is a young man who lives in a small house outside of town and plays the cello in the local orchestra. Unfortunately, Goshu's playing is letting down the rest of the orchestra and the conductor is running out of patience with him. Over the next few nights, however, Goshu is visited in his home by a succession of animals with musical requests for him - a cat, a bird, a raccoon dog and a mouse - much to Goshu's annoyance. What Goshu doesn't realise is that these tasks and encounters are teaching him how to overcome the flaws in his playing in the last few days before the big concert.


生活在田园乡村的青年歌修,是当地金星音乐团的大提琴手。夜晚,他经常独自一人坐在小木屋中演奏,周围的小动物成为他最好的听众。近日,第十二回市民音乐会即将召开,乐团正在紧张排练贝多芬的第六交响曲。然而,歌修却因为技艺不十分熟练而受到指挥兼团长的批评。失落的歌修回到木屋,望着贝多芬的肖像呆呆出神。   正在此时,一只小猫推门而入。它建议歌修不要执著练习贝多芬,也可以试试别人的曲子转换心情。于是烦躁的歌修演奏起舒曼的《印度之虎》,小猫饱受折磨,仓惶而逃;第二天,一只布谷鸟拜访,它请求歌修叫它练习音准,歌修推辞不过,随之练习,却在这一过程中发现自己的欠缺;第三天,狸猫的儿子请求歌修教它节奏;第四天,老鼠母亲拜托歌修演奏乐曲拯救它病重的儿子。

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